
Chris Voss

Emeritus Professor of Management Science and Operations

BSc MSc PhD (London)

Professor Chris Voss gained both his Masters and PhD at London Business School. He is a qualitative empirical researcher with eclectic research interests including service management, experiential services; role of technology in operations, manufacturing strategy; and international issues in operations management.

His work has been published in leading international journals including Journal of Operations Management, Production and Operations Management, Journal of Product Innovation Management and the Journal of Service Research. He has been elected fellow of the Production and Operations Management Society, Decision Science Institute, British Academy of Management and the European Operations Management Association.

He was co-founder and for many years president of the European Operations Management Association. He was formerly Professor of Manufacturing Policy and Strategy at Warwick Business School; a Consultant at Harbridge House Europe and a Production Controller at British Steel Corporation.

  • Service management, including service supply chains, experiential services and role of technology
  • Operational Improvement
  • Operations strategy


The circular economy: a transformative service perspective

Sonnichsen S; de Jong A; Clement J; Maull R; Voss C

Journal of Service Research 2024 Online first


Building responsive and resilient supply chains: Lessons from the COVID-19 disruption

Xiang L; Zhao X; Lee H L; Voss C

Journal of Operations Management 2023 Vol 69:3 p 352-358


Towards an actionable and pragmatic view of impact

Voss C A

Academy of Management Discoveries 2021 Vol 6:4 p 538-539


Contracting outsourced services with collaborative key performance indicators

Akkermans H; van Oppen W; Wynstra F; Voss C

Journal of Operations Management 2019 Vol 65:1 p 22-47

Deployment strategies for service innovation

Wang Q; Voss C; Zhao X

IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management 2019 Vol 66:4 p 514-528

Ramp-up and ramp-down dynamics in digital services

Akkermans H; Voss C; van Oers R

Journal of Supply Chain Management 2019 Vol 55:3 p 3-23


“Service Encounter 2.0”: an investigation into the roles of technology, employees and customers

Lariviere B; Bowen D; Andreassen T W; Kunz W; Sirianni N J; Voss C; Wunderlich N J; Keyser A

Journal of Business Research 2017 Vol 79 p 238-246

Service modularity and architecture : an overview and research agenda

Brax S A; Bask A; Hsuan J; Voss C

International Journal of Operations and Production Management 2017 Vol 37:6 p 686-702


Innovating through services, co-creation and supplier integration : cases from China

Zhang M; Zhao X; Voss C; Zhu G

International Journal of Production Economics 2016 Vol 171:3 p 289-300

Reflections on context in service research

Voss C; Parks H; Sousa R; Witell L; Wünderlich N

Journal of Service Management 2016 Vol 27:1 p 30-36

Strategically flexible production: the multi-focused manufacturing paradigm. A review and outlook

Voss C A

In: A Journey through Manufacturing and Supply Chain Strategy Research: a tribute to Professor Gianluca Spina. Springer International Publishing, Switzerland, pp. 41-69. ISBN 978-3-319-31103-6


Futurizing smart service: Implications for service researchers and managers

Wünderlich N; Heinonen K; Lemmink J; Ostrom A; Patrícío L; Sousa R; Voss C

Journal of Services Marketing 2015 Vol 29:6/7 p 442-447

Making a meaningful contribution to theory

Boer H; Holweg M; Pagell M; Schmenner R; Voss C

International Journal of Production and Operations Management 2015 Vol 35:9 p 1231-1252

Modes of service innovation: A typology

Wang Q; Voss C; Zhao X

Industrial Management and Data Systems 2015 Vol 115:7 p 1358-1382

Service research priorities in a rapidly changing context

Ostrom A L; Parasuraman A; Bowen D; Patrício L; Voss C

Journal of Service Research 2015 Vol 18:2 p 127-159


Same old methodologies? Perspectives on OM research in the post-lean age

MacCarthy B L; Lewis M; Voss C A; Narasimhan R

International Journal of Operations and Production Management 2013 Vol 33:7 p 934-956

Service bullwhip effect

Akkermans H; Voss C A

International Journal of Operations and Production Management 2013 Vol 33:6 p 765-788


Best practice interventions: Short-term impact and long-term outcomes

Voss C; Done A; Rytter N

Journal of Operations Management 2011:29 p 500-513

Service science: The opportunity to re-think what we know about service design

Voss C A ; Hsuan J

The Science of Service Systems 2011 p 231-244


Necessary condition hypotheses in operations management

Dul J; Hak T; Goertz G; Voss C A

International Journal of Operations and Production Management 2010 Vol 30:11 p 1170-1190

Service design for experience-centric services

Zomerdijk L ; Voss C A

Journal of Service Research 2010 Vol 20:10 p 1-16


Operations management associations in Europe - a history

Karlsson C ; Voss C A

International Journal of Operations and Production Management 2009 Vol 29:11 p 1093-1198

Service architecture and modularity

Voss C A; Hsuan J

Decision Sciences 2009 Vol 40:3 p 541-569

The effects of service failures and recovery on customer loyalty in e-services: An Empirical Investigation

Sousa R ; Voss C A

International Journal of Operations and Production Management 2009 Vol 29:8 p 834-864


Contingency research in operations management practices

Voss C A; Sousa R

Journal of Operations Management 2008 Vol 26:6 p 697-713


Effects of service failure and service recovery on customer loyalty in e-services: an empirical investigation

Rui S; Voss C A

Proceedings of the European Operations Management Association conference, Bilkent, Turkey, June 2007

Evolution of best practices in operations

Voss C A

Proceedings of the European Operations Management Association conference, Bilkent, Turkey, June 2007

Experience, service operations strategy, and services as destinations: foundations and exploratory investigation

Voss C A; Roth A V; Chase R B

Production and Operations Management 2007 Vol 17:3 p 247-266

Innovation in experiential services - an empirical view

Voss C A; Zomerdijk L G

DTI Occasional Paper no 9, Innovation in Services, May 2007, London, DTI, pp97-134

Insights into factors affecting 'Production and Operations Management Journal' evaluations

Theoharakis V T; Voss C A; et al.

Journal of Operations Management 2007 Vol 25:4 p 932-955

Lean process improvement activities - bridging short term outcomes and long term sustainability

Rytter N G; Done A; Voss C A

Proceedings of the European Operations Management Association conference, Bilkent, Turkey, June 2007

Learning from the first 'Operations management textbook'

Voss C A

Journal of Operations Management 2007 Vol 25:2 p 239-247

Operational implications of manufacturing outsourcing for subcontractor plants: an emperical investigation

Sousa R; Voss C A

International Journal of Operations and Production Management 2007 Vol 27:9 p 974-997

Service system design from a customer experience perspective

Zomerdijk L G; Voss C A

Proceedings of the European Operations Management Association Conference, Bilkent, Turkey, June 2007


Service quality in multichannel services employing virtual channels

Sousa R; Voss C A

Journal of Service Research 2006 May Vol 8:4 p 356-371

Sustaining manufacturing improvement

Done A; Rytter N G; Voss C A

AIM Research, London, 2006, 39pp


Impact of supply chain relationship dynamics on manufacturing performance

Fynes B J; Voss C A; Burca S

International Journal of Production and Operations Management 2005 Vol 25:1 p 6-19

Impact of supply chain relationship quality on quality performance

Fynes B J; Burca S; Voss C A

International Journal of Production Economics 2005 Jun Vol 96:3 p 339-354

Paradigms of manufacturing strategy re]visited

Voss C A

International Journal of Operations and Production Management 2005 Vol 25:12 p 1211-1222

Paradigms of manufacturing strategy re-visited

Voss C A

International Journal of Operations and Production Management 2005 Vol 25:12 p 1223-1227


Managerial choice and performance in service management: a comparison of private sector organizations with further education colleges

Voss C A; Tsikriktsis N; et al.

Journal of Operations Management 2004 Feb Vol 23:2 p 179-195

Problems, dilemmas and promising practices

Voss C A et al.

in Wassenhoave L et al. eds., Operations management as a change agent, p 309-318, INSEAD, 2004

Service design for large scale service operations: the example of destination services

Voss C A; Gerbeau P Y

in Wassenhove L et al. eds., Operations management as a change agent, p 645-654, INSEAD, 2004

Service quality in multi-channel services employing virtual channels

Voss C A; Sousa R

Operations and Technology Management Working Paper Series

Tale of two countries: conservatism, service quality, feedback and customer satisfaction

Voss C A; et al.

Journal of Service Research 2004 Vol 6:3 p 212-230


Rethinking paradigms of service: service in a virtual environment

Voss C A

International Journal of Operations and Production Management 2003 Vol 23:1 p 88-104

Role of supplier's institutional trustworthiness signals in open B2B e-marketplaces: an exploratory study

Garavelli A C; Lanzolla G; Voss C A

in Proceedings of the Annual EurOMA-POMS Conference, Cernobbio, 2003


Case research in operations management

Voss C A; Tsikriktsis N; Frohlich M

International Journal of Operations and Production Management 2002 Vol 22:2 p 195-219

Moderating effect of buyer-supplier relationships on quality practices and performance

Fynes B; Voss C A

International Journal of Operations and Production Management 2002 Vol 22:5/6 p 589-613

Quality management re-visited: a reflective review and agenda for future research

Sousa R; Voss C A

Journal of Operations Management 2002 Feb Vol 20:1 p 91-109

Tools for business: 'Knowledge assets in global services strategy'

Voss C A; et al.

in Conceiaco P et al. eds., Systems and policies for the globalised learning economy, Greenwood Publishing, 2002


Americans are coming: to Europe's b-schools

Yip G; Voss C A

Strategy and Business 2001 Vol 24 p 14-15

Captivate networks and elevator telematics

Voss C A; Anderson J

Business Strategy Review 2001 Spring Vol 12:1 p 51-59

From complacence to competence: lessons from the United Kingdom

Voss C A; Blackmon K L

in Schroeder R G and Flynn B B eds., High performance manufacturing, p 225-245, Wiley, 2001

Manufacturing strategy: building capability for dynamic markets

Voss C A et al.

in Schroeder R G and Flynn B B eds., High performance manufacturing, p 59-72, Wiley, 2001

Path analytic model of quality management practices, quality performance and business performance

Fynes B; Voss C A

Production and Operations Management 2001 Winter Vol 10:4 p 494-513

Paths of improvement in plant operations

Voss C A; Filippini R; Vinelli A

in Schroeder R G and Flynn B B eds., High perfomance manufacturing, p 19-40, Wiley, 2001

Quality management: universal or context dependent?

Sousa R; Voss C A

Production and Operations Management 2001 Winter Vol 10:4 p 383-404

Small firms under microsope: international differences in production/operations management practices and performance

Voss C A; Cagliano R; Blackmon K L

Integrated Manufacturing Systems 2001 Vol 12:7 p 469-482

Developing an eservice strategy

Voss C A

Business Strategy Review 2000 Spring Vol 11:1 p 21-33

Development of a technical innovation audit

Voss C A; Chiesa V; Coughlan P

in Borckhoff K et al. eds., Readings in technology management, p 303-354, Twente University Press, 2000

How do financial services stack up?: findings from a benchmarking study of the US financial service sector

Voss C A; Chase R B; Roth A V

in Melnick E et al. eds., Creating value in financial services, p 427-446, Kluwer Publishers, 2000

Knowledge assets in global service strategy

Voss C A; et al.

in Gibson D V et al. eds., Systems and policies for the globalized learning economy, Quorum Publications, 2000

Re-thinking paradigms of service: the impact of the web

Voss C A

in Van Dierdonck R and Vereeke A eds., Operations management: crossing borders and boundaries: the changing role of operations, p 631-638, University of Gent Academia Press, 2000

Service in a virtual environment

Voss C A

in POMS Sevilla Conference, 2000

Worlds apart: a look at the operations management area in the US, UK and Scandinavia

Drejer A; Blackmon K L; Voss C A

Scandinavian Journal of Management 2000 Vol 16:1 p 45-66


International service study

Voss C A; Chase R B; Roth A V

Decision Line 1999 May Vol 30:3 p 4-7

Service competitiveness: an international benchmarking comparison of service practice and performance in Germany, UK and USA

Voss C A et al.

International Journal of Service Industry Management 1999 Vol 10:4 p 369-379

Talking POM: creating a dialogue between three different approaches to production and operations management

Voss C A; Blackmon K L; Drejer A

in Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings, Chicago, 1999


Diagnostic benchmarking and manufacturing improvement

Voss C A; Ahlstrom P; Blackmon K L

in Coughlan P, Dromgoole T and Peppard J eds., Operations management: future issues and competitive responses, University of Dublin Press, 1998

Initiation of manufacturing improvement: a force field perspective

Voss C A; Blackmon K L

in Coughlan P, Dromgoole T and Peppard J eds., Operations management: future issues and competitive responses, University of Dublin Press, 1998

Is ISO 9000 good for business?: institutional and efficiency perspectives on quality management

Blackmon K L; Voss C A

in Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings, San Diego, 1998

Made in Europe: small companies

Voss C A; Blackmon K L et al.

Business Strategy Review 1998 Winter Vol 9:4 p 1-20

Benchmarking and operational performance: some empirical results

Voss C A; Ahlstrom P; Blackmon K L

Benchmarking for Quality Management and Technology 1997 Vol 4:4 p 273-285

Benchmarking and operational performance: some empirical results

Blackmon K L; Voss C A; Ahlstrom P

International Journal of Operations and Production Management 1997 Vol 17:10 p 1046-1058

Manufacturing strategy

Voss C A; Hill T J

Integrated Manufacturing Systems 1997 Vol 8:5 p 254-349 Special issue

Manufacturing strategy

Voss C A

in Slack N ed., Blackwell encyclopedic dictionary of operations management, p 104-109, Blackwells, 1997

Service competitiveness: an Anglo-US study

Voss C A et al.

Business Strategy Review 1997 Spring Vol 8:1 p 7-22

Service in the US

Voss C A et al.

London Business School, 1997

Survey research in operations management

Voss C A; Filippini R

International Journal of Operations and Production Management 1997 Vol 11:7 p 652-654

Transfer and transferability of Japanese manufacturing practices to the west

Voss C A; Blackmon K L

Organisations and People 1997 Vol 4:2 p 22-28

Development of a technical innovation audit

Chiesa V; Coughlan P D; Voss C A

Journal of Product Innovation Management 1996 Mar Vol 13:2 p 105-136

Impact of national and parent company origin on world-class manufacturing: findings from Britain and Germany

Voss C A; Blackmon K L

International Journal of Operations and Production Management 1996 Vol 16:11 p 96-115

Including engineering in operations strategy

Voss C A; Winch G

Production and Operations Management 1996 Spring Vol 5:1 p 78-90

Learning, benchmarking and manufacturing performance

Voss C A; Ahlstrom P; Blackmon K L

in Voss C A ed., Manufacturing strategy: operations management in a global context, p 689-694, London Business School, 1996

Made in Europe 2: an Anglo-German design study

Voss C A; Blackmon K L; Claxton T

London Business School/IBM, 1996

Managing new product design and development: an Anglo-German study

Voss C A et al.

Business Strategy Review 1996 Autumn Vol 7:3 p 1-15

Research agendas in operations management: a report

Voss C A; Blackmon K L

Engineering and Physical Science Research Council/London Business School, 1996

Transfer and transferability of Japanese manufacturing practices to the west

Voss C A

in Warwick D ed., Managing across borders: culture and communication for British and Japanese businesses, p 84-98, Daiwa Anglo-Japanese Foundation, 1996

Validity of the EQA business excellence model: testing in different contexts

Voss C A; Blackmon K L

in Proceedings of the EFQM Leading Edge Conference, Paris, 1996

Where the quality payoff comes

Voss C A; Blackmon K L

European Quality 1996 Vol 3:1 p 28-30


Alternative paradigms for manufacturing strategy

Voss C A

International Journal of Operations and Production Management 1995 Vol 15:4 p 5-16

Benchmarking best practice in European manufacturing sites

Hanson P; Voss C A

Business Process Re-Engineering and Management Journal 1995 Vol 1:1 p 60-94

Competitiveness of European manufacturing: a four country study

Voss C A et al.

Business Strategy Review 1995 Spring Vol 6:1 p 1-25

Making it as world class

Voss C A; Blackmon K L

Professional Manager 1995 Sep Vol ? p 16-18

Operations management: from Taylor to Toyota: and beyond?

Voss C A

British Journal of Management 1995 Dec Vol 6:6 p 17-30 Special issue

Too few companies are world class

Voss C A; Blackmon K L

European Brief 1995 Dec Vol 2:3 p 53-54


Developing and testing benchmarking and self-assessment frameworks in manufacturing

Voss C A; Chiesa V; Coughlan P D

International Journal of Operations and Production Management 1994 Vol 14:3 p 85-103

Evaluating leadership as an enabler of innovation

Voss C A; Coughlan P D; Chiesa V

in Proceedings of the EIASM Conference on New Product Development, 1994

From product innovation management to total innovation management

Voss C A

Journal of Product Innovation Management 1994 Vol 11:5 p 460-463

Implementation of manufacturing innovations

Voss C A

in Dodgson M and Rothwell R eds., Handbook of industrial innovation, p 405-417, Edward Elgar, 1994

ISO 9000, BS5750, EN2900 and quality performance: the UK experience

Voss C A; Blackmon K L

in Proceedings of the European Foundation for Quality Management conference, Barcelona, 1994

Managing beyond the short-term

Voss C A; Blackmon K L

in Tomorrow's best practice, p 43-51, Foundation for Manufacturing and Industry/DTI/IBM Consulting Group, 1994

Practice performance relationships in UK manufacturing industry

Voss C A; Blackmon K L

in Proceedings of the first European Operations Management Association conference, Cambridge, 1994

Service quality in product-based firms

Voss C A

in Quality in Services Conference 3: Proceedings (International Service Quality Association), 1994

Successful innovation and implementation of processes

Voss C A

in Lorange P ed., Strategic planning process, Dartmouth Publishing, 1994


Changing role of manufacturing

Voss C A

in Proceedings of the Total Quality Management and Transformation Conference, La Hulpe, 1993

Evidence submitted to the House of Commons Trade and Industry Select Committee

Voss C A; Hanson P

in Competitiveness of UK manufacturing industry: minutes of evidence, HMSO, 1993

Submission to the Commission on Management Research

Voss C A

in Commission on Management Research statement of evidence, Economic and Social Research Council, 1993


Applying service concepts in manufacturing

Voss C A

International Journal of Operations and Production Management 1992 Vol 12:4 p 93-99

Implementing integrating technologies: developing managerial integration for CAD/CAM

Voss C A; Twigg D; Winch G

International Journal of Operations and Production Management 1992 Vol 12:7/8 p 76-91

Innovation of processes: success, implementation and practical steps

Voss C A

in Bowen A and Ricketts M eds., Stimulating innovation in industry, p 132-153, Kogan Page, 1992

Manufacturing strategy formulation as a process

Voss C A

in Voss C A ed., Manufacturing strategy: process and content, p 121-132, Chapman & Hall, 1992

Measurement of innovation and design performance in services

Voss C A et al.

Design Management Journal 1992 Winter Vol 3:1 p 40-46

Successful innovation and implementation of new processes

Voss C A

Business Strategy Review 1992 Spring Vol 3:1 p 29-44

Towards a classification of service processes

Voss C A et al.

International Journal of Service Industry Management 1992 Vol 3:3 p 62-75

Where should service quality be measured?: conclusions from a process based model

Voss C A

in Quality in Service Conference 2: selected papers, New York, 1992


Applying service concepts in manufacturing

Voss C A

in Bennett D and Lewis C eds., Achieving competitive edge: getting ahead through people and technology, Springer-Verlag, 1991

Benchmarking national quality performance

Voss C A; Cruise O'Brien R

Quality 1991 Vol 1:2 p 130-140

Implementation issues in simultaneous engineering

Voss C A; Russell V L; Twigg D

International Journal of Technology Management 1991 Vol 6:3/4 p 293-302

Integrating technology and organisation in the implementation of CAD/CAM

Voss C A; Twigg D

in Bennett D and Lewis C eds., Achieving competitive edge: getting ahead through people and technology, Springer-Verlag, 1991

Managerial integration and CIM: a strategic response

Voss C A et al.

Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems 1991 May Vol 4:2 p 103-108

Manufacturing strategy

Voss C A; ed.

International Journal of Technology Management 1991 Vol 6:3-4

Multiple independent invention and the process of technological innovation

Voss C A

in Rosegger G ed., Management of technological change, Elsevier, 1991

Quality in manufacturing strategy

Voss C A

in Chase R ed., Implementing total quality management, IFS Publications, 1991


Issues in setting JIT supply

Voss C A; Harrison A

International Journal of Operations and Production Management 1990 Vol 10:2 p 84-93

Just-in-time manufacturing

Voss C A; ed.

In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference of the Operations Management Association, Springer-Verlag, 1990

Manufacturing strategy: theory and practice

Voss C A; ed.

In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference of the Operations Management Association, 1990

Quality measurement in service industries

Voss C A; Silvestro R; Johnston R

International Journal of Service Industry Management 1990 Vol 1:2 p 54-66

Role of quality in manufacturing strategy

Voss C A

Total Quality Management 1990 Vol 2:3 p 149-152

Transfer and adaptation of JIT manufacturing practices by Japanese companies in the UK

Voss C A; Okazaki-Ward L

Operations Management Review 1990 Vol 7:3 p 24-29

Turning a mirror on ourselves

Voss C A

British Academy of Management Newsletter 1990 Dec Vol 8


JIT: putting it in context

Voss C A

Quality Today 1989 April

Management control in service industries

Voss C A; et al.

Management Accounting 1989 Apr

Managing marketing services in the 1990s

Voss C A; et al.

in Moutinho T R and Morgan N eds., Patterns of measurement of services performance: empirical results, Cassell, 1989

Managing new manufacturing technology

Voss C A

in Wild R ed., International handbook of production and operations management, Cassell, 1989


Service design for experience-centric services

Zomerdijk L; Voss C A

Operations and Technology Management Working Paper Series


Service quality in multi-channel services employing virtual channels

Sousa R; Voss C A

Operations and Technology Management Working Paper Series


The influence of supply chain context (OEM vs. subcontracting) on quality management

Voss C A; Sousa R

Operations and Technology Management Working Paper Series


Quality management re-visited: a reflective review and agenda for future research

Voss C A; Sousa R

Operations and Technology Management Working Paper Series

Rethinking paradigms of service: service in a virtual environment

Voss C A

Operations and Technology Management Working Paper Series


Quality management: universal or context dependent?: an empirical investigation across the manufacturing strategy spectrum

Voss C A; Sousa R

Operations and Technology Management Working Paper Series


The European Super League

Voss C A; Puntillo F


English National Opera

Voss C A



Voss C A

Xscape: Building a Destination

Voss B; Voss C A; Gerbeau P Y


PY and the Dome

Voss C A; Pullman, M

PY and the Dome - TN

Voss C A; Pullman, M


Trusting the internet

Voss C A

Institute of Customer Services, 2000

Uno studio di benchmarking sulle PMI Europee

Voss C A; et al.

Ecipar, 1999


British Academy of Management conference issue

Voss C A

British Journal of Management 1998 Sept Vol 9

International manufacturing strategies

Voss C A; Lindberg P; Blackmon K L eds..

Kluwer, 1998

Made in Europe 3: the small company study

Voss C A; et al.

London Business School/IBM, 1998


1996, EurOMA conference proceedings

Voss C A; Karlsson C; eds.

International Journal of Operations and Production Management, special issue, 1997 Vol 11:10 123pp


Designed in Europe: an Anglo-German comparison

Hanson P; Voss C A et al.

IBM/London Business School, 1996

Manufacturing strategy: operations strategy in a global context

Voss C A ed.

London Business School, 1996


Service in Britain

Voss C A; Johnston R

London Business School, 1995


Made in Europe: a four nations best practice study

Voss C A

London Business School/IBM, 1994

Management and new production systems

Voss C A; Karlsson C; eds.

International Journal of Operations and Production Management special issue 1994


Innovation, your move: an executive overview

Voss C A; Chiesa V; Coughlan P D

Department of Trade and Industry, 1993

Innovation, your move: self assessment guide and workbook

Voss C A; Chiesa V; Coughlan P D

Department of Trade and Industry, 1993

Made in Britain: the true state of Britain's manufacturing industry

Voss C A; Hanson P

IBM United Kingdom Limited/London Business School, 1993

Managing integration in CAD/CAM and simultaneous engineering

Voss C A; Twigg D

Chapman & Hall, 1992

Manufacturing strategy: process and content

Voss C A ed.

Chapman & Hall, 1992

Review of practice and issues in simultaneous engineering in the UK

Coughlan P D; Voss C A

London Business School, 1992


Performance measurement in service businesses

Voss C A; et al.

Chartered Institute of Management Accountants, 1991

Strategic management of operations

Voss C A; ed.

International Journal of Operations and Production Management special edition 1991 Vol 11:3


Just-in-time worldwide: lessons from Japan, the USA, Britain and Europe

Voss C A; Clutterbuck D

IFS Publications, 1989


The Chicago Pizza Pie Factory

Voss C A; Kennedy E

Teaching portfolio

Our teaching offering is updated annually. Faculty and programme material are subject to change.