
Yleme Herrera

Previous degree: Bachelor in Economics

Finance sector pre-MiF: Government, public finance

Previous or current role: Head of Investor Relations, Public Debt Office, Ministry of Finance

Clubs: LatAm Club, Foodie Club

About me: Yleme holds a Bachelors degree in Economics from the Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, and an Associate degree in International Business from Tompkins Cortland Community College in New York, US.

Before joining LBS, she gained four years of valuable experience at the Public Debt Office of the Dominican Republic. In roles such as Head of Investor Relations, Senior Analyst and Portfolio and Risk Control Analyst, she showcased exceptional skills in managing relationships with international and domestic investors and credit risk rating agencies.

Furthermore, she played a pivotal role in strategically structuring sovereign global bond issuances and overseeing liability management operations. Beyond her local market responsibilities, she took the lead in the Market Makers Program for domestic bonds, communicating with banks and traders. In this capacity, she successfully structured and executed domestic bond auctions totalling RD$190 billion (US$3.4 billion).

Yleme decided to join the Masters in Finance at LBS to delve deeper into complex financial concepts and to gain a comprehensive perspective on global financial systems. Most significantly, Yleme was eager to engage in meaningful interactions with both peers and esteemed professors, recognising the immense value of networking and collaborative learning within the programme.

Email: yherrera.mifft2024@london.edu