
Thomas Bailey

  • Degree Programme: Masters in Finance Part-time
  • Global Nationality: British

Education: BA (Hons) in Philosophy, Politics & Economics (PPE)

Finance sector: Insurance

Previous or current role: Underwriter, HDI Global Specialty

About me: Tom has spent his entire career working within specialty insurance across a variety of companies. After graduating from Durham University with a BA (Hons) in Philosophy, Politics & Economics, he supported multiple lines of business before specialising in the political and credit risk insurance market. He is currently working as an underwriter at HDI Global Specialty SE, a growing specialty insurer within the Talanx Group, a leading European (re)insurance company.

Tom’s motivation for joining the Masters in Finance at LBS is to grow both professionally and personally. Outside of the School’s leading faculty and highly applicable curriculum, there is an emphasis on personal development and the acquisition of soft skills, which drew Tom’s attention. Using the Masters in Finance, he hopes to build strong foundations on financial principles that he can then leverage to enhance his decision making and build on his personal contributions to his company and market. Tom’s passion for LBS led him to be elected Academic Representative for his part time intake.

Outside of work, exercise and strength training take up much of Tom’s time. He follows many sports and is particularly interested in cricket, football and mixed martial arts. He’s a self-certified foody, a real coffee aficionado and a habitual podcast consumer.

Contact: tbailey.mifpt2024@london.edu