
Maanvi Rathi

  • Degree Programme: Masters in Analytics and Management
  • Global Nationality: Indian

Education: Bachelors, Kelley School of Business, USA; 2022

Subject: Business Administration

Sector(s) of interest: Consulting, Technology, Analytics

My greatest challenge when I applied to business school was: Aligning my long-term goals with the right specialization.

About me: From the lively streets of New Delhi to exploring the landscapes of the US, my journey has been one of discovery and growth. While I initially dreamt of art school, my interest in economics led me to business school. During my undergraduate studies, I had the opportunity to navigate diverse subjects and be involved in a variety of extracurriculars. Being a part of a professional business fraternity was transformative, broadening my horizons and introducing me to varied backgrounds and perspectives.

My academics led me down the intriguing alleyways of data and analytics. Through this, I discovered my passion: crafting complex data-driven insights into actionable strategies that drive meaningful impact. Complementing this, my stint at Charles River Associates in Chicago was invaluable. Working as an Analyst in the intellectual property practice, I honed my skills in handling large datasets and learned how to form insightful opinions, making the most of the opportunities presented. My commitment to deepening my analytical acumen in a holistic and nurturing environment guided me to the MAM course at LBS.

While my professional path has shifted from art to analytics, you can still find me painting, lost in a movie, or enjoying a coffee shop.

Three topics I can be approached about: Moving to London, Impact Consulting Club, life at LBS 

Contact: mrathi.mam2024@london.edu