
Joy Agunu

Education: MBA

Finance sector: Accounting

Previous or current role: Assistant Manager, KPMG

Clubs: Black in Business Club, Women in Business Club

About me: Joy is a chartered accountant with experience at Crowe, Deloitte, EY and KPMG in Nigeria and the UK. She is driven by a desire to achieve excellence in her profession. She has audited businesses in a wide range of sectors.

Joy is conscious that to become a great leader in the future, she must take action to place herself in that position. She has always embraced the unknown, hoping it would propel her closer to her dreams. She asked herself, "How may I reach my goal?" As a result, she decided to enroll on the Masters in Finance programme. In doing so, she wanted to expand her horizons internationally and become part of a global community of accomplished financial experts. The CFO track and the variety of electives piqued Joy’s interest with their potential to boost her business skills. The prorgamme would also provide her with the best possible chance for future success in her finance career, either the information technology or aerospace industries.

Outside of work and study, Joy has a penchant for daring pursuits, exotic travel and adrenaline-pumping cinema.

Contact: jagunu.mifpt2024@london.edu