
Gwen Martignoni

Education: Bachelor of International Hospitality Management

Finance sector: Real Estate

Previous or current role: Vice President of Acquisitions, Amante Capital

Clubs: DACH Club

About me: Gwen received her bachelor’s degree from the Hotel School of Lausanne (EHL), during which she specialised in hotel real estate. Directly after her studies, she moved to London to work at Accor in their real estate and asset management team. Afterwards, she spent four years working on hotel acquisitions for a private equity firm. She’s recently joined a newly formed company, called Amante Capital, where she heads up the underwriting team. Amante Capital is focused on investing in and turning around under-performing hotel assets across Europe together with major equity partners.

Gwen decided to pursue a Masters in Finance as she wanted to gain a better understanding of the finance industry as a whole and how the hotel real estate sector sits within it. She is keen to build her professional network at LBS and to sharpen her technical and soft skills.

When Gwen isn’t working or studying, she enjoys travelling, cooking up new recipes and running. She loves living in London and intends to stay for the foreseeable future as she finds it an incredibly dynamic and diverse city with endless new things to experience.

Contact: gwenm.mifpt2024@london.edu