
Catherine Kelly

  • Degree Programme: Masters in Finance Part-time
  • Global Nationality: Australian/Korean

Education: Bachelor of Law/Economics

Finance sector: Fund Accounting and Administration

Previous or current role: Lead Manager of Fund Administration, BNY Mellon

Clubs: Infrastructure Club, Environment & Energy Club, Snow Club

About me: Catherine joined the LBS Masters in Finance programme at a senior stage in her career in order to open her horizons with the different perspectives of her international cohort, through active discussions, application of her technical knowledge to the prevailing global economic situations and adding value to her profile by learning more about the role of finance and accounting industries in the ESG space.

Catherine is passionate about being able to contribute as a finance professional to steer future investments worldwide towards green initiatives and help all types of investors to have a confidence that their capital is being deployed to make our world a better place.

Her areas of interest are staying active out in nature, such as open-water swimming, trail running and gardening, most of which were picked up during the COVID lockdowns, only to become an essential part of her life. She also enjoys meeting and learning about fellow students who all have a story of their own in their journey through LBS.

Contact: ckelly.mifpt2024@london.edu