
Armel Roland Mbouwe

Education: MSc in Management & Accounting

Finance sector: Consulting

Previous or current role: Assistant Manager – Deals Advisory, KPMG

Clubs: Finance Club, Music Club, Energy & Environment Club, Art & Business Club

About me: Roland started his career in a local firm in Côte d’Ivoire in 2013 before joining the Deloitte network in Cameroon in 2014 as a financial auditor. He moved to Deloitte Gabon in 2018 as part of the regional talent mobility programme to assist the partners in building a financial advisory practice in Gabon. Though a challenging task, he knew it was the right challenge and path to pursue his professional aspirations.

After nine years of working in sub-Saharan Africa, Roland decided to embrace a more exciting challenge in London and take his career to the next level by gaining a more international experience by joining the LBS MiF programme.

Roland is passionate about finance, particularly transaction services. His focus is on bringing value to his clients and helping prospective investors to make informed investment decision.

Roland also founded in February 2016, a charity group called BetterLife, specialising in assisting in education and feeding of orphaned children in Cameroon. He has also been a member of the Ethics Committee of the Association of CPA of Gabon since 2020.

Contact: rmbouwe.mifpt2024@london.edu