
Andrew J Scott

Professor of Economics

MSc (London) D.Phil (Oxford)

Andrew J Scott is Professor of Economics. a Research Fellow at the Centre for Economic Policy Research and a consulting scholar at Stanford University’s Center on Longevity.

His research focuses on longevity and an ageing society and has been widely publish in leading journals in economics and health. His book, The 100-Year Life, has been published in 15 languages, is an Amazon bestseller and was runner up in both the FT/McKinsey and Japanese Business Book of the Year Awards.

He was Managing Editor for the Royal Economic Society’s Economic Journal and Non-Executive Director for the UK’s Financial Services Authority 2009-2013. He has been an advisor on policy to a range of governments. He is currently on the advisory board of the UK’s Office for Budget Responsibility, the Cabinet Office Honours Committee (Science and Technology), co-founder of The Longevity Forum, a member of the National Academy of Medicine’s International Commission on Health Longevity and the WEF council on Healthy Ageing and Longevity.

Andrew previously held positions at Oxford University, London School of Economics and Harvard University. His MA is from Oxford, his M.Sc. from the London School of Economics and his D.Phil from Oxford University.

  • Longevity and an ageing society
  • Fiscal policy and debt management


A longevity revolution

Scott A

New Scientist 2024


Healthy Ageing Trends in England Between 2002 to 2018: Improving but Slowing and Unequal

Old J; Scott A

Journal of the Economics of Ageing 2023 In Press


International gains to achieving healthy longevity

Scott A; Ashwin J; Ellison M; Sinclair D

Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Medicine 2022 Advance articles

Quantum healthy longevity for healthy people, planet, and growth

Woods T; Palmarini N; Corner L; Barzialai N; Bethell J; Cox L S; Eyre H; Ferrucci L; Fried L; Furman D; Kennedy B; Roddam A; Scott A; Siow R C

The Lancet Healthy Longevity 2022 In press

The Economics of Longevity – An Introduction

Scott A

Journal of the Economics of Ageing 2022 In Press

The rise of age-friendly jobs

Acemoglu D; Mulbach N S; Scott A

Journal of the Economics of Ageing 2022 In press


A Timely Call to Establish an International Convention on the Rights of Older People

Scott A; Bloom D E; Ataguba J E

The Lancet Healthy Longevity 2021 September 2021 Vol 2:9

Achieving a three dimensional longevity dividend

Scott A

Nature Aging 2021 Vol 1:6 p 500-505

All's well that ages well: the economic value of targeting aging

Scott A J; Ellison M; Sinclair D A

Nature Aging 2021 Vol 1:July p 616-623

The Longevity Economy

Scott A J

The Lancet Healthy Longevity 2021 Vol 2:12 p E828-E835

The Longevity Society

Scott A

The Lancet Healthy Longevity 2021 Vol 2:12 p E820-E827


Education, age and the machine

Scott A

in Dede C and Richards J (eds.), The 60 year curriculum: new models for lifelong learning in the digital economy, Routledge.

How employers need to change for employees' longer lives

Scott A; Gratton L

Forbes online 2020 23 June

Managing the UK national debt 1694-2018

Ellison M; Scott A

American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics 2020 July 2020 Vol 12:3 p 227-257

The Long, Good Life

Scott A

Finance and Development 2020 March Vol 57:1

The Long, Good Life

Scott A

Finance and Development 2020 Vol 57:1 p 10-13


A longevity dividend versus an ageing society

Scott A

In: Live Long and Prosper? The economics of ageing populations. Bloom D E (ed.), pp.81-89

Government debt management: the long and the short of it

Faraglia E; Marcet A; Oikonomou R; Scott A

Review of Economic Studies 2019 Vol 86:6 p 2554-2604


Corporate implications of longer lives

Gratton L; Scott A

MIT Sloan Management Review 2017 Spring Vol 58:3 p 63-70


How work will change when most of us live to 100

Gratton L; Scott A

Harvard Business Review Digital Articles 2016

Our assumptions about old and young workers are wrong

Gratton L; Scott A

Harvard Business Review Digital Articles 2016


Learning and price volatility in duopoly models of resource depletion

Ellison M; Scott A

Journal of Monetary Economics 2013 Vol 60:7 p 806-820

The impact of debt levels and maturity on inflation

Faraglia E; Marcet A; Oikonomou R; Scott A

Economic Journal 2013 Vol 123:566 p F164-F192


Quantative easing and unconventional monetry policy - An introduction

Joyce M; Miles D; Scott A; Vayanos D

Economic Journal 2012 Vol 122:564 p F271-F288


In search of a theory of debt management

Scott A; Faraglia E; Marcet A

Journal of Monetary Economics 2010 November Vol 57:7 p 821-836


Debt and deficit fluctuations and the structure of bond markets

Marcet A; Scott A

Journal of Economic Theory 2009 Vol 144:2 p 473-501

The dynamics of trade and competition

Chen N; Imbs J; Scott A

Journal of International Economics 2009 Vol 77:1 p 50-62


Fiscal insurance and debt management in OECD economics

Scott A; Faraglia E; Marcet A

Economic Journal 2008 Vol 118:527 p 363-386

Inflation implications of rising government debt

Scott A; Giannitsarou C

in Reichlin, L & West, K (eds), NBER international seminar on macroeconomics annual 2006, University of Chicago Press, 2008 pp 393 - 442


Optimal taxation and OECD labor taxes

Scott A

Journal of Monetary Economics 2007 Vol 54:3 p 925-944

Discussion of Phelps E and Zoega G, 'Structural booms'

Scott A

Economic Policy 2001 Apr Vol 16:32 p 117-119


Optimal consumption under imperfect capital markets

Scott A

Economics Letters 2000 Vol 66:1 p 65-70

Sticky prices and volatile output

Scott A; Ellison M

Journal of Monetary Economics 2000 Vol 46:3 p 621-632


Empirical implications of optimal debt management under various financial market structures

Marcet A; Scott A

in Eijffinger S C W, Portes R et al. eds., The changing European financial landscape, CEPR, 1999

Fickle investors: an impediment to growth

Scott A; Uhlig H

European Economic Review 1999 Vol 43:7 p 1345-1370

Fickle investors: an impediment to growth?

Uhlig H, Scott A

European Economic Review 1999 June Vol 43:7 p 1345-1370

Fiscal policy and optimal debt management in OECD countries

Scott A; Marcet A

in Eijffinger S C W, Portes R et al. eds., The changing European financial landscape, CEPR, 1999


Determinants of UK business cycles

Holland A; Scott A

Economic Journal 1998 Jul Vol 108 p 1067-1092


Asymmetric business cycles: theory and time series evidence

Acemoglu D; Scott A

Journal of Monetary Economics 1997 Dec Vol 40:3 p 501-534

Labour market over the business cycle: can theory fit the facts?

Millard S; Sensur M; Scott A

Oxford Review of Economic Policy 1997 Autumn Vol 13:3 p 70-92

Property and inflation: is there a hedge?

Scott A

Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics 1997 Jun Vol 15:1 p 59-76


Asymmetries in the cyclical behaviour of UK labour markets

Scott A; Acemoglu D

Economic Journal 1994 Nov Vol 104:427 p 1303-1323

Consumer confidence and rational expectations

Scott A; Acemoglu D

Economic Journal 1994 Jan Vol 104:422 p 1-19

Hark the herald cash tills ring

Scott A

Financial Times 1994 Dec 24

Seasonality in dynamic regression models

Scott A; Harvey A

Economic Journal 1994 Nov Vol 104:427 p 1324-1345


Estimation of single equation rational expectations models: an application to UK consumption

Robertson D C; Scott A

Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics 1993 May Vol 55:2 p 237-244

What determines institutional investment?

Scott A; Dinenis E

Oxford Economic Papers 1993 Apr Vol 45:2 p 292-310


Dollar, the oil price and policy divergence

Allen C B; Scott A

Economic Outlook 1991 Feb Vol 15:5 p 50-55

Investment needs of a unified Germany

Scott A

International Economic Outlook 1991 Jun Vol 1:1 p 30-35

New strategic tools for supply chain management

Westbrook R K,Scott C

International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management 1991 Vol 21:1 p 23-33

Place of commercial property in the UK economy

Currie D A; Scott A

London Business School, 1991


Explaining consumption in the 1980s

Scott A

Economic Outlook 1990 Oct Vol 15:1 p 40-43


Portfolio selection and the investment performance of the UK pension funds

Scott A; Dinenis E

Economic Outlook 1989 Oct Vol 14:1 p 30-34

Savings and the Budget

Currie D A,Holly S,Scott A

Economic Outlook 1989 Feb Vol 13/5 p 16-23

Trends and cycles in GDP

Scott A; Smith P N

Economic Outlook 1989 Jun Vol 13:9 p 25-34


Funding the Great War and the beginning of the end for British hegemony

Ellison M; Sargent T J; Scott A

CEPR discussion paper


Managing the UK National Debt 1694-2017

Ellison M; Scott A

Centre for Macroeconomics


The new long life: a framework for flourishing in a changing world

Gratton L; Scott A

Bloomsbury Publishing


100-year life: living and working in an age of longevity

Gratton L; Scott A

Bloomsbury, 2016


Macroeconomics: Understanding the wealth of nations 3rd Edition

Miles D; Scott A; Breedon F

John Wiley 2012


Computational methods for the study of dynamic economics

Marimon R; Scott A; eds.

Oxford University Press, 2001

Macroeconomics: understanding the wealth of nations

Miles D K; Scott A

John Wiley, 2001


Guide to European market information: EC countries

Brooke W,Scott J,eds.

London Business School Information Service, 1991


Awards for business excellence: a guide to sponsors

Scott J ed.

CBI/London Business School Information Service, 1990

Source guide to economic information

Scott J ed.

London Business School Information Service, 1990

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