
Stephen Schaefer

Professor of Finance; Academic Director, AQR Asset Management Institute

MA (Cambridge) PhD (London)

Professor Stephen Schaefer has published widely on fixed income markets, risk management, credit risk and financial regulation. His research includes a study on corporate debt default in the US over the past 150 years, which was awarded first prize in the 2011 Fama/DFA Award for the Best Paper Published in the Journal of Financial Economics in the areas of capital markets and asset pricing. He also received the 2015 Jack Treynor Prize from the Q Group, which recognises academic working papers with potential applications in the fields of investment management and financial markets.

Professor Schaefer was formerly a faculty member of the Graduate School of Business at Stanford University. He has also been a visiting professor at the Universities of British Columbia, California (Berkeley), Cape Town, Chicago and Venice, where he was recently awarded an Honorary Fellowship. Today, he is the lead Academic Director for the London Business School’s AQR Asset Management Institute.

Outside academic life, he has consulted widely for a variety of financial institutions and is a co-author of two major reports for the Norwegian Ministry of Finance on the management of the Norwegian Government Pension Fund (the ‘Oil Fund’).

He has also been an independent board member of the Securities and Futures Authority; a senior research advisor to Moody’s KMV; a non-executive director of Leo Fund Management; a trustee-director of Smith Breeden Mutual Funds and a member of Moody’s Academic Research and Advisory Committee.

Jack Treynor Prize, Institute for Quantitative Research in Finance, 2015

2012 First Prize, Fama-DFA award for the Best Paper published in the Journal of Financial Economics in the Areas of Capital Markets and Asset Pricing, 2011.

Institute for Quantitative Research in Finance (‘Q-Group’) Award, 2005.

Institute for Quantitative Research in Finance (‘Q-Group’) Award, 1982.

Graham and Dodd Award, 1977.

Entrance Exhibition, Queens' College, Cambridge, 1965.

  • Credit risk
  • Derivative instruments
  • Investment management
  • Asset pricing theory
  • Portfolio selection
  • Capital markets
  • Financial regulation
  • Term structure of interest rates


Debt Dynamics and Credit Risk

Feldhutter P; Schaefer S

Journal of Financial Economics 2023 Vol 149:3 p 497-535


The myth of the credit spread puzzle

Feldhutter P; Schaefer S

Review of Financial Studies 2018 Vol 31:8 p 2897-2942


Liquidity risk and correlation risk: a clinical study of the General Motors and Ford downgrade of May 2005

Acharya V; Schaefer S; Zhang Y

Quarterly Journal of Finance 2015 Vol 5:2 p 18629


Macroeconomic effects of corporate default crisis: A long-term perspective

Schaefer S M; Giesecke K; Longstaff F A; Strebulaev I

Journal of Financial Economics 2014 Vol 111:2 p 297-310


Corporate bond default risk: A 150-Year perspective

Schaefer S M; Giesecke K; Longstaff A F; Strebulaev I

Journal of Financial Economics 2011 Vol 102:2 p 233-250

The efficient market theory and evidence: Implications for active investment management

Schaefer S M; Ang Al Goetzmann W N

Foundations and Trends in Finance 2011 Vol 5:3 p 157-242


Structural models of credit risk are useful: evidence from hedge ratios on corporate bonds

Schaefer S M; Strebulaev I

Journal of Financial Economics 2008 Vol 90:1 p 1-19


A comparison of alternative non-parametric estimators of the short rate diffusion coefficient

Schaefer S M; Reno R; Roma A

Economic Notes 2006 November Vol 35:3 p 227-252

Pillar 1 versus Pillar 2 under risk management

Schaefer S M; Pelizzon L; Venice U

in Carey M and Stulz R M eds., The risks of financial institutions, p 377-409, University of Chicago Press/NBER, 2006


Understanding and managing correlation risk and liquidity risk

Acharya V; Schaefer S M

International Financial Risk Institute (IFRI) Roundtable, 29-30 September, 2005


Asset pricing: derivative assets

Schaefer S M

in Ashenfelter O ed., International encyclopaedia of social and behavioral sciences: economics section, p 833-840, Elsevier Science, 2001

Corporate bonds and other debt instruments

Schaefer S M

Financial Times 2001 May 21

Principles of bond portfolio management

Schaefer S M

Financial Times 2001 May 14


Duration and immunization: a review of theory, performance and applications

Schaefer S M

in Ross S A ed., The Debt Markets, Edward Elgar, 2000

Term structure of real interest rates and the Cox, Ingersoll and Ross Model

Brown R H; Schaefer S M

in Ross S A ed., The Debt Markets, Edward Elgar, 2000


Direct and compliance cost of financial regulation

Franks J R; Schaefer S M; Staunton M

in Swann E J ed., Issues in derivative instrument law, Kluwer Law International, 1999

Non-linear value-at-risk

Britten-Jones M; Schaefer S M

European Finance Review 1999 Vol 2:2 p 161-187

Non-linear value-at-risk

Britten-Jones M; Schaefer S M

in Galai D, Ruthenberg D, Sarnat M and Schreiber B eds., Risk Management and Regulation in Banking, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, 1999


Competition between regulated markets in London

Schaefer S M

in Ferrarini G ed., European securities markets, p 205-212, Kluwer Law International, 1998

Robert Merton, Myron Scholes and the development of derivative pricing

Schaefer S M

Scandinavian Journal of Economics 1998 Jun Vol 100:2 p 425-445


Direct and compliance costs of financial regulation

Franks J R; Schaefer S M; Staunton M

Journal of Banking and Finance 1997 Dec Vol 21:11/12 p 1547-1572


Ten years of the real term structure

Brown R H; Schaefer S M

Journal of Fixed Income 1996 Mar Vol 5:4 p 6-22


Equity market transparency on the London Stock Exchange

Franks J R; Schaefer S M

Journal of Applied Corporate Finance 1995 Spring Vol 8:1 p 70-77


Beyond the zero

Brown R H; Schaefer S M

Futures and Options World 1994 Dec Vol 283 p 51-53

Custodianship and investor protection

Franks J R; Schaefer S M

Financial Times 1994 Feb 24

Interest rate volatility and the shape of the term structure

Brown R H; Schaefer S M

Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society 1994 Vol 347 p 563-576

Term structure of real interest rates and the Cox, Ingersoll and Ross model

Brown R H; Schaefer S M

Journal of Financial Economics 1994 Vol 35 p 3-42


Financial regulation: the contribution of the theory of finance

Schaefer S M

in Fingleton J ed., Internationalisation of capital markets and regulatory response, Graham & Trotman, 1992


Equity market transparency

Franks J R; Schaefer S M

Stock Exchange Quarterly 1991 Apr-Jun p 7-11

Exchange risk and international diversification of borrowing by Italian firms

Schaefer S M; Kaplanis E C

Journal of Economics and Business 1991 Nov Vol 43:4 p 287-307


Regulation of banks and securities firms

Schaefer S M

European Economic Review 1990 May Vol 34:2 p 587-597


Liability matching

Schaefer S M

in Ingrams L ed., International bond portfolio management, Euromoney Publications, 1989


The design of bank regulation and supervision: some lessons from the theory of finance

Schaefer S M

in Threats to International Stability, R Portes and A K Swoboda (Eds) Cambridge University Press pp 91 - 104

Time dependent variance and the pricing of bond options

Schaefer S M; Schwartz E S

Journal of Finance 1987 Vol 42:5 p 1113-1128


A two-factor model of the term structure and an approximate analytical solution

Schaefer S M; Schwartz E S

Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 1984 Vol 19:4 p 413-424

Continuous price processes in frictionless markets have infinite variation

Schaefer S M; Harrison J M; Pittbladdo R

Journal of Business 1984 Vol 57:3 p 353-365

Duration and immunization: A review of theory, performance and applications

Schaefer S M

Midland Corporate Finance Journal 1984 Fall Vol 2:2 p 41-59


The dynamics of the term structure and alternative immunization strategies

Schaefer S M; Nelson J

(in) Innovations in Bond Portfolio Management: Duration Analysis and Immunization. G O Bierwag, G G Kaufman and A Toevs (eds.) JAI Press 1983


Taxes and security market equilibrium

Schaefer S M

in Financial Economics: Essays in Honor of Paul H Cootner, W F Sharpe and C M Cootner (Eds). Englewood Cliffs: N.J.: Prentice-Hall (1982), 159-178


A model for bond portfolio improvement

Schaefer S M; Hodges S D

Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 1977 Vol 12:2 p 243-260

Term structure with uncertain inflation

Schaefer S M; Brealey R A; Myers S C

Journal of Finance 1977 May Vol 32:2 p 277-289

The influence of tax-induced clientele effects on optimal investment in bonds

Schaefer S M

Proceedings of the Seminar on the Analysis of Security Prices. Center for Research in Security Prices, Graduate School of Business, University of Chicago, November 1977

The problem with redemption yields

Schaefer S M

Financial Analysts Journal 1977 July/August Vol 33:4 p 59-67


Alternative models of systematic risk

Schaefer S M; Brealey R A; Hodges S D; Thomas H

in: Elton E J and Gruber M J (Eds) International Capital Markets, North Holland 1975


On the interpretation of the geometric mean

Schaefer S M; Hodges S D

Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 1974 Vol 9:3 p 497-504


Bond Risk Premia: The Information in (Really) Long Term Rates

Berardi A; Brown R; Schaefer S M

Social Sciences Research Network


Debt dynamics and credit risk

Feldhutter P; Schaefer S M

Social Sciences Research Network


The credit spread puzzle: myth or reality?

Feldhutter P; Schaefer S

Social Sciences Research Network


Risk in Capital Structure Arbitrage

Schaefer S M

IFA Working Paper


Do Risk Managment and Regulation Reduce Risk in Banking?

Pelizzon L; Schaefer S M

IFA Working Paper


Why Long Term Forward Interest Rates (almost) Always Slope Downwards

Schaefer S M; Brown R H

IFA Working Paper


Foundations of continuous time finance

Schaefer S M; Elgar E

Edward Elgar, 2001


Costs of regulatory compliance for financial firms

Franks J R; Schaefer S M; Staunton M

Corporation of London, 1995


Custodianship and protection against misuse of client property

Franks J R; Schaefer S M

Corporation of London, 1994


Costs and effectiveness of the UK financial regulatory system

Franks J R; Schaefer S M

Corporation of London, 1993


Recent developments in corporate finance

Franks J R; Schaefer S M et al.

Cambridge University Press, 1986

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