
Nicos Savva

Professor of Management Science and Operations; Chair, Management Science and Operations Faculty

MA MPhil PhD (Cambridge)

Professor Savva’s current research focuses on hospital operations and healthcare management. His research has appeared in leading journals such as Management Science, M&SOM, Production & Operations Management, and Nature Biotechnology. He is an Associate Editor of Management Science, M&SOM and senior editor of Production & Operations Management. He holds an honorary appointment at Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation trust, a large hospital system based in London, and has acted as a consultant to hospitals, biotech companies, high-tech start-ups, retail firms and a hedge fund. He has also taught at The Wharton School, Columbia GSB, and at Judge Business School, University of Cambridge.

He holds a PhD in Management Science, an MPhil in Finance (Financial Engineering) and a BA in Physics, all from the University of Cambridge.


Hospital Reimbursement in the Presence of Cherry Picking and Upcoding

Savva N; Debo L; Shumsky R

Management Science 2023 Vol 69:11 p 6777-6799


The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on UK medical education. A nationwide student survey

Tekkis; et al.

Medical Teacher 2022 Vol 44:5 p 574-575 (Letter to the Editor)


Economies of scale and scope in hospitals: an empirical study of volume spillovers

Freeman M; Savva N; Scholtes S

Management Science 2021 Vol 67:2 p 673-697

Proactive customer service: operational benefits and economic frictions

Delana K; Savva N; Tezcan T

Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 2021 Vol 23:1 p 70-87


A review of the healthcare-management (modeling) literature published in Manufacturing & Service Operations Management

Savva N; Keskinocak P

Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 2020 Vol 22:1 p 59-62

CRC COVID: Colorectal cancer services during COVID-19 pandemic. Study protocol for service evaluation

Courtney A; Howell A-M; Daulatzai N; Savva N; Warren O; Mills S; Rasheed S; Milind G; Tekkis N; Gardiner M; Dai T; Safar B; Efron J E; Darzi A; Tekkis P; Kontovounisios C

International Journal of Surgery Protocols 2020 Vol 23 p 15-19


6 trends to look out for in 2019

Erickson T; Cable D; Birkinshaw J; Savva N; Yueh L; Jolly R

London Business School Review 2019 January

Can yardstick competition reduce waiting times?

Savva N; Tezcan T; Yildiz O

Management Science 2019 Vol 65:7 p 3196-3215


Crowdsourcing exploration

Papanastasiou Y; Bimikis K; Savva N

Management Science 2018 Vol 64:4 p 1727-1746

Making big data deliver

Savva N; Straub G

London Business School Review 2018 Vol 29:1 p 40-43


Algorithmic ethics : lessons and limitations for leaders

Savva N

London Business School Review 2017

Counting the cost of UK maternity wards

Savva N

London Business School Review 2017

Gatekeepers at work: an empirical analysis of a maternity unit

Freeman M; Savva N; Scholtes S

Management Science 2017 Vol 63:10 p 3147-3167


Dynamic pricing in the presence of social learning and strategic consumers

Papanastasiou Y; Savva N

Management Science 2016 Vol 63:4 p 919-939

Investing in market efficiencies, raising the prospects of India's farmers

Ramdas K; Savva N

London Business School Review 2016

Is IT enough? Evidence from a natural experiment in India’s agriculture markets

Parker C; Ramdas K; Savva N

Management Science 2016 Vol 62:9 p 2481-2503

Maximising care

Savva N

London Business School Review 2016 Winter Vol 26:4 p 8-9


Role of equity, royalty and fixed fees in technology licensing to university spin-offs

Savva N; Taneri N

Management Science 2015 Vol 61:6 p 1323-1343

Signaling new product reliability with after-sales service contracts

Bakshi N; Kim SH; Savva N

Management Science 2015 Vol 61:8 p 1812-1829


Opt-out options in new product co-development partnerships

Savva N; Scholtes S

Production and Operations Management 2014 Vol 23:8 p 1370-1386


"Nursevendor problem": Personnel staffing in the presence of endogenous absenteeism

Green L V; Savin S; Savva N

Management Science 2013 Vol 59:10 p 2237-2256


Codeines and coding

Powell A; Savin S; Savva N

Business Strategy Review 2012 Vol 23:1 p 82-82

Physician workload and hospital reimbursement: Overworked physicians generate less revenue per patient

Powell A; Savin S; Savva N

Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 2012 Vol 14:4 p 512-528


Healthcare: A patient in search of cure

Savva N

Business Strategy Review 2011


Investment under uncertainty with price ceilings in oligopolies

Roques F A; Savva N

Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 2009 Vol 33:2 p 507-524


The economics of licensing contracts

Mason R ; Savva N ; Scholtes S

Nature Biotechnology 2008 Vol 26:8

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