
Michael Ross

Executive Fellow of Marketing

MA (Cambridge)

Michael Ross’s research is focused on applied data science, and the practical application of AI/ML techniques to improve enterprise decisions. He also focuses on a range of industries including retail,telecoms, consumer goods, finance and travel and has worked with clients in these sectors across the globe.

  • Masters Degrees electives

    Optional courses providing a deep dive into specialist areas.

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    • The Data-Driven Enterprise
      We are currently seeing three important trends in business. First, an increasing number of firms are engaging with the concept of customer centricity with the implication that much of the growth dynamic of their business is framed in terms of customer acquisition, retention, and development. Second, the digitization of business has led to the potential for an extraordinary atomization of many decisions. Third, the development of machine-learning and AI methods means that firms are developing more decision automation systems. This course explores how firms should organize for data-driven decision making in today's customer-centric, digitally enabled world. We explore the basic enabling technologies, review the key analytical tools, identify the information and decision silos that prevent firms from taking a truly customer-centric approach to their activities, and explore the organizational and technological challenges of breaking down the barriers associated with these silos.
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