
Michael G Jacobides

Sir Donald Gordon Professor of Entrepreneurship and Innovation; Professor of Strategy and Entrepreneurship

BSc (Athens) MA PhD (Wharton)

Michael G Jacobides (see www.jacobides.com) is the Sir Donald Gordon Professor of Entrepreneurship & Innovation and Professor of Strategy at London Business School. His work, which has received the Sloan Foundation Award, has appeared in the top academic journals such as SMJ, AMJ, AMR, OrgSci and Industrial & Corporate Change, where he is a co-Editor. He studies industry evolution, value migration, firm boundaries and organization design. His recent work has shed light on the emergence and development of digital platforms and ecosystems and has looked at the strategic and policy issues this raises. He has visited Harvard, NYU, Cambridge, Imperial, Bocconi and Wharton, where he obtained his PhD, after studying at Athens, Cambridge and Stanford. He is the Chief Expert Advisor on the Digital Economy at the Hellenic Competition Commission and a co-author of the WEF’s White Paper on Digital Platforms and Ecosystems. He is also a Visiting Scholar at the New York Fed, working on the shifting business model of financial intermediation.

Michael is the Lead Advisor of EvolutionLtd and an Academic Advisor to the Boston Consulting Group. A winner of the 2018 Theory to Practice Award from the StrategieForum, he was selected in 2019 as one of the Thinkers50. He writes for HBR, SMR and Forbes.com, and has appeared at the FT, CNN and BBC. He works on thought leadership with consultants such as McKinsey, IDEO, Accenture, PwC, Deloitte, Keystone and ECSi, and on strategy with corporates such as Haier, Huawei, MasMovil, Vodafone, Nokia, SAP, Enel, Santander, Helvetia, Zurich, CS, Airbus, DeBeers, Burberry, MerckSerono and the NHS. He served on the Global Agenda Council of the World Economic Forum and has presented at the Davos Annual meetings.

  • Industry evolution and profit migration
  • Business model change
  • Strategy in changing environments
  • Corporate turnarounds and organisational transformation
  • Structural change and policy challenges


Building synthetic worlds: lessons from the excessive infatuation and oversold disillusionment with the Metaverse

Jacobides M G; Candelon F; Krayer L; Round K; Chen W

Industry and Innovation 2024 Vol 31:1 p 105-129

The Business Value of Gamification

Jacobides M G

California Management Review 2024 Vol 66:2 p 91-107


The power of modularity today: 20 years of 'Design Rules'

Brusoni S; Henkel J; Jacobides M G; Karim S; MacCormack S; Puranam P; Schilling M

Industrial and Corporate Change 2023 Vol 32:1 p 1-10


How to Compete When Industries Digitize and Collide

Jacobides M G

California Management Review 2022 Vol 64:3 p 99-123


Ecosystems and competition law in theory and practice

Jacobides M G; Lianos I

Industrial and Corporate Change 2021 Vol 30:5 p 1199-1229

Mapping a sector’s scope transformation and the value of following the evolving core

Cetorelli N; Jacobides M G; Stern S

Strategic Management Journal 2021 Vol 42:12 p 2294-2327

Regulating platforms and ecosystems: an introduction

Jacobides M G; Lianos I

Industrial and Corporate Change 2021 Vol 30:5 p 1131-1142

The evolutionary dynamics of the artificial intelligence ecosystem

Jacobides M G; Brusoni S; Candelon F

Strategy science 2021 Vol 6:4 p 412-435


Adapt Your Business to the New Reality

Jacobides M G; Reeves M

Harvard Business Review 2020 Sep-Oct Vol 98:5 p 74-81

When the default just won't do: resilience as the new competitive driver

Jacobides M G; Lang N; von Szczepanski K

Management and Organization Review 2020 Vol 16:4 p 741-746


Designing digital ecosystems

Jacobides M G

in Platforms and Ecosystems: Enabling the Digital Economy, World Economic Forum. Briefing Paper, pp. 13-18

How Business Ecosystems Rise (and Often Fall)

Reeves M; Lotan H; Legrand J; Jacobides M G

MIT Sloan Management Review 2019 Vol 60:4 p 1-6

How digital platforms and ecosystems can reinvigorate public-private collaboration

Jacobides M G; Sundararajan A; Van Alstyne M

in Platforms and Ecosystems: Enabling the Digital Economy, World Economic Forum. Briefing Paper, pp. 24-25

In the Ecosystem Economy, What’s Your Strategy?

Jacobides M G

Harvard Business Review 2019 Vol 97:5 p 128-137

The myths and realities of business ecosystems

Fuller J; Jacobides M G; Reeves M

Sloan Management Review 2019 Feb 25th 2019


Toward a theory of ecosystems

Jacobides MG; Cennamo C; Gawer A

Strategic Management Journal 2018 Vol 39:8 p 2255-2276


Architecture and dynamic capabilities

Jacobides M G

in Teece D J (ed), Handbook of Dynamic Capabilities, Oxford University Press:Oxford (Forthcoming 2017/18)

Public administration and the Tragic Trident: understanding the organizational and drivers of the Greek malaise

Jacobides M G

In Meghir C, Pissarides C, Vayanos D, Vettas N (eds), Beyond austerity: reforming the Greek economy, MIT Press, 2017

Transformation of corporate scope in U.S. banks : patterns and performance implications

Cetorelli N; Jacobides M G; Stern S

Federal Reserve Bank of New York staff report ; No 813


Agency, structure, and the dominance of OEMs: Change and stability in the automotive sector

Jacobides M G J; MacDuffie J P; Tae J

Strategic Management Journal 2016 Vol 37:9 p 1942-1967

Industry architecture

Jacobides M

In Augier M, Teece D J eds., Palgrave Encyclopedia of Strategic Management, Palgrave 2016


Kingpins, bottlenecks and value dynamics along a sector

Jacobides M G; Tae C J W

Organization Science 2015 Vol 26:3 p 889-907

The shifting business model of private equity: Evolution, revolution, and trench warfare

Jacobides MG; Saaverda JR

Adveq Research Series report 2015 September


Before prescribing the medicine, we need to better diagnose the malady

Jacobides M G

Europes World 2014 Autumn p 88-89

From black swans to grey rhinos: Four ways academics can help managers

Jacobides M

McKinsey Quarterly 2014 50th Anniversary Edition Summer:3 p 52-63

Regulation reframed

Jacobides M; Drexler M; Rico J

Business Strategy Review 2014 Vol 25:2 p 21-25

Rethinking the future of financial services: A structural and evolutionary perspective on regulation

Jacobides M; Drexler M; Rico J

Journal of Financial Perspectives 2014 Vol 2:1 p 47-72


How industry architectures shape firm success when expanding in emerging economies

Jacobides M G; Kudina A

Global Strategy Journal 2013 Vol 3:2 p 150-170

How to drive value your way

Jacobides M G; MacDuffie J P

Harvard Business Review 2013

Rethinking financial architecture

Jacobides M G

in How to run a bank, Banker 2013, 50-51p

Time to tackle EU governance

Jacobides M G

in How to run a bank, Banker 2013

What next for the Eurozone?

Jacobides M G

Business Agenda 2013 p 14-17


Capabilities: Structure, agency and evolution

Jacobides M G; Winter S G

Organization Science 2012 February Vol 23:5 p 1365-1381

How value migrates within an industry architecture: Kingpins, bottlenecks and evolutionary dynamics

Tae C W; Jacobides M G

Academy of Management Best Papers Proceedings 2012 p 1-6

The dynamics of wealth, profit and sustainable advantage

Jacobides M G; Winter S G; Kassberger S M

Strategic Management Journal 2012 Vol 33:12 p 1384-1410

The real problem with Greece

Jacobides M G

Business Strategy Review 2012 Vol 23:2 p 64-67


Greece: The way forward

Portes R; Jacobides M G; Vayanos D

Eurointelligence 10 November 2011

The future of finance: Issues in re-shaping the sector’s landscape

Jacobides M G

AIM Research Briefing Note 2011 April


Industry change through vertical disintegration: How and why markets emerged in mortgage banking

Jacobides M G

reprint of Academy of Management Journal in Organizational Learning and Knowledge Management, Edward Elgar Publishing, April 2010.

Playscript your strategy

Jacobides M G

Strategy Magazine 2010:June p 14-16

Strategy tools for a shifting landscape

Jacobides M G

Harvard Business Review 2010 Vol 88:Jan-Feb p 76-84

Survival of the reckless: feedback, foresight and the evolutionary roots of the financial crisis

Jacobides M G; Winter S G

American Economics Association Meetings Electronic Proceedings 2010 January

The play's the thing

Jacobides M G

Business Strategy Review 2010 Vol 21:2 p 58-63


Don't let this crisis go to waste!

Jacobides M G

Business Strategy Review 2009 Vol 20:3 p 71-75

New thinking on how to do business

Jacobides M G

Financial Times 2009

Strategic dynamics in industry architectures and the challenges of knowledge integration

Brusoni S; Jacobides M G; Prencipe A

European Management Review 2009 Vol 6:4 p 209-216


How capability differences, transaction costs, and learning curves interact to shape vertical scope

Jacobides M G

Organization Science 2008 Vol 19:2 p 306-326

Industry change through vertical disintegration: How and why markets emerged in mortgage banking

Jacobides M G

Book Chapter: In Organizational Learning and Knowledge Management, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2008

Playing football in a soccer field: value chain structures, institutional modularity and success in foreign expansion

Jacobides M G

Managerial and Decision Economics 2008 Mar/Apr Vol 29:2/3 p 257-276


Benefiting from innovation:value creation, value appropriation and the role of industry architectures

Jacobides M; Knudsen T; Augier M

Research Policy 2007 Vol 35 p 1200-1221

Entrepreneurship and firm boundaries: the theory of a firm

Jacobides M G; Winter S G

Journal of Management Studies 2007 November Vol 44:7 p 1213-1241

Organizational structure and decision-making

Jacobides M G

In Starbuck W and Hodgkinson G eds., Handbook of decision-making, Oxford University Press, 2007


Architecture and design of organizational capabilities

Jacobides M G

Industrial and Corporate Change 2006 Feb Vol 15:1 p 151-171

Designing the boundaries of the firm: from 'make, buy or ally' to the dynamic benefits of vertical architecture

Jacobides M G; Billinger S

Organization Science 2006 Vol 17:2 p 249-261

Who does what and who takes what: benefiting from innovation

Jacobides M G; Knudsen T

AIM Management Briefing, December 2006


Co-evolution of capability and transaction costs: explaining the institutional structure of production

Jacobides M G; Winter S G

Strategic Management Journal 2005 May Vol 26:5 p 395-413

Dynamic limits of specialization: vertical integration reconsidered

Jacobides M G; Cacciatori E

Organization Studies 2005 Vol 26:12 p 1851-1883

Industry change through vertical dis-integration: how and why markets emerged in mortgage banking

Jacobides M G

Academy of Management Journal 2005 Jun Vol 48:3 p 465-498

Losing sight of the forest for the trees?: productive capabilities and gains from trade as drivers of vertical scope

Jacobides M G; Hitt L M

Strategic Management Journal 2005 Vol 26:13 p 1209-1227


Institutional form and organizational evolution: lessons from the mortgage industry

Jacobides M G

in Academy of Management Proceedings (BPS Division), 2003


Mortgage banking unbundling

Jacobides M G

Housing Finance International 2002 Jul p 3-13

Information policy: shaping the value of agency relationships

Jacobides M G; Croson D C

Academy of Management Review 2001 Vol 26:2 p 202-223

Mortgage banking unbundling: structure, automation and profit

Jacobides M G

Mortgage Banking 2001 Jan p 28-40

Technology with a vengeance: the new economics of mortgaging

Jacobides M G

Mortgage Banking 2001 Oct p 118-130


Agency relationships and monitoring in electronic commerce

Jacobides M G; Croson D C

International Journal of Electronic Commerce 1997 Spring Vol 1:3 p 65-82


Information policy: shaping the value of agency relationships

Jacobides M G; Croson D C

in Proceedings of the Academy of Management Meetings, 1996

Reconsidering the dynamics of firm size, incumbency, industry structure and propensity to innovate

Jacobides M G

in Proceedings of the Academy of Management Meetings, 1996

Rethinking the impact of information technology on transaction costs and outsourcing practices

Jacobides M G

in Proceedings of the Eastern Academy of Management Meetings, p 2-6, 1996


Housing sector in the hellenic reality: an assessment of major economic aspects

Jacobides M G

TOPOS, Review of Urban and Regional Studies 1995 April Vol 9 p 3-40


Macro-economic approach to venture capital: elements of a dynamic analysis

Jacobides M G

Bulletin of the Hellenic Banks' Association 1992 Vol 2 p 181-200


Venture capital: historical overview and a functional analysis

Jacobides M G

Bulletin of the Hellenic Banks' Association 1991 Vol 3 p 141-159


Ecosystems and competition law in theory and practice

Jacobides M G; Lianos I

Centre for Law, Economics and Society

Going with the flow: changes in banks' business model and performance implications

Cetorelli N; Jacobides M G; Stern S

Federal Reserve Bank of New York


Transformation of corporate scope in US banks: patterns and performance implications

Cetorelli N; Jacobides M G; Stern S

Social Sciences Research Network


Designing the boundaries of the firm: from "make, buy or ally" to the dynamic benefits of vertical architecture

Jacobides M G; Billinger S

Strategic and International Management Working Paper

Why interface specification varies between organizations

Puranam P; Jacobides M G

Strategic and International Management Working Paper


How do markets emerge?: organizational unbundling and vertical disintegration in mortgage banking

Jacobides M G

Strategic and International Management Working Paper

Losing sight of the forest for the trees?: productive capabilities and gains from trade as drivers of vertical scope

Jacobides M G; Hitt L M

Strategic and International Management Working Paper


Where do markets come from?

Jacobides M G

Centre for the Networked Economy Working Paper

Teaching portfolio

Our teaching offering is updated annually. Faculty and programme material are subject to change.