
Francisco Gomes

Professor of Finance; Chair, Finance Faculty

BA (Universidade Nova de Lisboa) MA PhD (Harvard)

Professor Francisco Gomes’ areas of expertise include capital markets, asset allocation, household finance, and macroeconomics. His research has been published in leading journals, such as The Journal of Finance, The Review of Financial Studies, the Journal of Financial Economics and The American Economic Review. He has given numerous seminars worldwide and he has been covered by The Financial Times, BBC and Bloomberg, among others.

Professor Gomes joined London Business School, in 2000, as an Assistant Professor of Finance – following receipt of his PhD from Harvard University. After earning his BA from the New University of Lisbon (Universidade Nova de Lisboa), he worked at the Bank of Portugal in its research department.

Professor Gomes is a Research Affiliate of the Centre for Economic Policy Research and one of the founding members of the CEPR Network on Household Finance.

  • Capital markets
  • Asset allocation
  • Household finance
  • Macroeconomics


Borrow Now, Pay Even Later: A Quantitative Analysis of Student Debt Payment Plans

Boutros M; Clara N; Gomes F

Journal of Financial Economics 2024 In press


Do Robots Increase Wealth Dispersion?

Gomes F; Jansson T; Karabulut Y

Review of Financial Studies 2023 Vol 37:1 p 119-160


Tactical target date funds

Gomes F; Michaelides A; Zhang Y

Management Science 2022 Vol 68:4 p 3047-3070


Household finance: a survey

Gomes F; Haliassos M; Ramadorai T

Journal of Economic Literature 2021 Vol 59:3 p 919-1000

On optimal allocations of target-date funds

Gabudean R; Gomes F; Michaelides A; Zhang Y

The Journal of Retirement 2021 Fall Vol 9:2 p 58-79


Portfolio choice over the life-cycle: a survey

Gomes F

Annual Review of Financial Economics 2020 Vol 12 p 277-304


Life-cycle portfolio choice with liquid and illiquid assets

Campanale C; Fugazza C; Gomes F

Journal of Monetary Economics 2015 Vol 71 p 67-83


Fiscal policy and asset prices with incomplete markets

Gomes F J; Michaelides A; Polkovnichenko V

Review of Financial Studies 2013 Vol 26:2 p 531-556


Longevity risk, retirement savings, and financial innovation

Cocco J F; Gomes G

Journal of Financial Economics 2012 Vol 103:3 p 507-529

The excess burden of government indecision

Gomes F; Kotlikoff L J; Viceira L M V

Gomes F; Kotlikoff L J; Viceira L M V: The excess burden of government indecision: In Browen J eds., Tax Policy and Economy, 2012


Lending relationships in the interbank market

Cocco J F; Gomes F J; Martins N C

Journal of Financial Intermediation 2009 January Vol 18:1 p 24-48

Optimal savings with taxable and tax-deferred accounts

Gomes F; Michaelides A; Polkovnichenko V

Review of Economic Dynamics 2009 Vol 12:4 p 718-735


Asset pricing with limited risk sharing and heterogeneous agents

Gomes F; Michaelides A

Review of Financial Studies 2008 Vol 21:1 p 415-448

Optimal life-cycle investing with flexible labor supply: A welfare analysis of life-cycle funds

Gomes F; Kotlikoff L J; Viceira L M

American Economic Review 2008 Vol 98:2 p 297-303


Exploiting short-run predictability

Gomes F

Journal of Banking and Finance 2007 Vol 31:5 p 1427-1440


Discussion of 'Equity premia with benchmark levels of consumption: closed-form results' by Andrew Abel

Gomes F

in Handbook of investments: equity risk premium by Mehra R, 2006


Consumption and portfolio choice over the life cycle

Gomes F; Cocco J; Maenhout P

Review of Financial Studies 2005 Summer Vol 18:2 p 491-533

Optimal life-cycle asset allocation: understanding the empirical evidence

Gomes F; Michaleides A

Journal of Finance 2005 Apr Vol 60:2 p 869-904

Portfolio choice and trading volume with loss-averse investors

Gomes F

Journal of Business 2005 Mar Vol 78:2 p 675-706


Portfolio choice with internal habit formation: a life-cycle model with uninsurable labor income risk

Gomes F; Michaelides A

Review of Economic Dynamics 2003 Oct Vol 6:4 p 729-766


Investing retirement wealth: a life-cycle model

Cocco J; Gomes F; et al.

in Campbell J Y and Feldstein M eds., Risk aspects of social security reform, University of Chicago Press, 2001

Stock market mean reversion and the optimal equity allocation of a long lived investor

Campbell J Y; Gomes F; Cocco J; et al.

European Finance Review 2001 Vol 5:3 p 269-292


Crowded ratings: clientele effects in the corporate bond market

Gomes F; Lewis R; Nickerson J

Social Sciences Research Network


Evidence on expectations of household finances

Cocco J; Gomes F; Lopes P

Social Sciences Research Network


Foreseen risks

Gomes J F; Grotteria M; Wachter J A

NBER Working Paper

Tactical target date funds

Gomes F; Michaelides A; Zhang Y

CEPR Discussion Paper


Expenditures and financial well-being

Cocco J; Gomes F; Lopes Paula

Working Paper

Teaching portfolio

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